Our database shows there are 4 registered sex offenders within 2 miles of 135 Brigham Landing Rd, Girard, GA 30426. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender within 2 miles of 135 Brigham Landing Rd, Girard, GA 30426.
? 18.2-61. Rape. A. If any person has sexual intercourse with a complaining witness, whether or not his or her spouse, or causes a complaining witness, whether or not his or her spouse, to engage in sexual intercourse with any other person and such act is accomplished (i) against the complaining witness's will, by force, threat or intimidation of or against the complaining witness or another person; or (ii) through the use of the complaining witness's mental incapacity or physical helplessness; or (iii) wi
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