Our database shows there are 69 registered sex offenders within 2 miles of 2905 1, Sioux City, IA 51106. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender within 2 miles of 2905 1, Sioux City, IA 51106.
Sexual abuse 2nd degree
Attempted to 3rd degree sexual assault
Indecent exposure
Aggravated sexual abuse of a child 2 counts
Lascivious acts with a child
Lascivious Acts with a Child Felony C
Aggravated criminal sexual assault
Burglary 1st degree
Sexual abuse 3rd degree
Assault with intent to commit sexual abuse
Sexual exploitation minor
Attempt to Entice a Minor, Sexual Abuse or Exploitation Felony C
Enticing a minor
Receipt and Distribution of Child Pornography
Receipt and distribution of child pornography
1st degree sex assault on child
Sexual abuse of a minor
Sexual assault of child
Sexual assault 3rd degree(1)
Rape 1st degree 2 counts
Rape 1st Degree Felony
Contact Sheriffs Office
Burglary 2nd degree
Indecent contact with a child
Telephone disem obc mat
Telephone Dissemination of Obscene Material to Minor Aggravated Misdemeanor
Lascivious Acts with a Child Felony D
Receipt of child pornography
Forcible sodomy
Possession of child pornography
Sexual Abuse 3rd Degree Felony C
Assault with Intent to Commit Sexual Abuse Aggravated Misdemeanor
Sexual exploitation of children
Distribution of child pornography
Rape 2nd degree
Attempted rape 2nd degree
Sexual contact w/out consent
Incest Felony D
Lascivious Acts with A Child Felony D
Dissemination and Exhibition of Obscene Material to a Minor Serious Misdemeanor
Dissemination or exhibitionit obscene mat
Abusive sexual contact
Lascivious Conduct with a Minor Aggravated Misdemeanor
Indecent Contact with a Minor Aggravated Misdemeanor
Lascivious conduct with a minor