Our database shows there are 60 registered sex offenders within 2 miles of 16800 Lone Rock Dr, Moss Point, MS 39562. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender within 2 miles of 16800 Lone Rock Dr, Moss Point, MS 39562.
Touching of a child for Lustful Purposes by Person in a Position of Trust
Touching of a child for Lustful Purposes by Person in a Position of Trust
Touching of a child for Lustful Purposes by Person in a Position of Trust
View ProfileSexual activity between law enforcement, correctional or custodial personnel and prisoners
View ProfileCriminal Attempt/Aggravated Sexual Battery/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction, which would be considered one of the offenses in Section 45-33-23(g) in Mississippi
Attempt to commit Felony to wit Sexual Battery/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction, which would be considered one of the offenses in Section 45-33-23(g) in Mississippi
Sexual Battery/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction, which would be considered one of the offenses in Section 45-33-23(g) in Mississippi
Sexual Battery/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction, which would be considered one of the offenses in Section 45-33-23(g) in Mississippi
Sexual Battery/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction, which would be considered one of the offenses in Section 45-33-23(g) in Mississippi
Criminal Attempt/Aggravated Sexual Battery/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction, which would be considered one of the offenses in Section 45-33-23(g) in Mississippi
Sexual Battery/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction, which would be considered one of the offenses in Section 45-33-23(g) in Mississippi
View ProfileTouching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
View ProfileTouching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
View Profile(3 COUNTS) RAPE 2ND DEGREE/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
View ProfileSexual Abuse 1st Degree/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction, which would be considered one of the offenses in Section 45-33-23(g) in Mississippi
View ProfileTouching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
View Profile(2 counts) Touching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
View ProfileRAPE/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
View ProfileCRIMINAL SEXUAL CONDUCT 4TH DEGREE VICTIM BETWEEN 13-16/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
View ProfileSODOMY 2ND DEGREEAny other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
View ProfileSexual battery
Touching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
View ProfileTouching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
Touching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
View ProfileTouching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
View ProfileINDECENCY WITH CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
View ProfileTouching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
View ProfileFALSE IMPRISONMENT/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
View ProfilePOSSESSION OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY WITH INTENT TO VIEW/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
View ProfileTouching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
Touching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
Touching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
View ProfileExploitation of children
Exploitation of children
Exploitation of children
Exploitation of children
View ProfileINDECENCY WITH A CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
View ProfileTouching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
View ProfileSEXUAL ABUSE 1/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
Failure to Register as a Sex Offender
View ProfileSEX UAL BATTERY/SLIGHT FORCE/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
SEX UAL BATTERY AND UNLAWFUL COMPENSATION/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
SEX UAL BATTERY/COERCES BY RETALIATION/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
UNLAWFUL COMPENSATION/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
View ProfileCOMPUTER AIDED SOLICITATION OF A MINOR/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
View ProfileTouching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
View ProfileINDECENCY WITH A CHILD/Any other offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction which, if committed in this state, would be deemed to be such a crime without regard to its designation elsewhere
View ProfileSexual Assault/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction, which would be considered one of the offenses in Section 45-33-23(g) in Mississippi
View ProfileSEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
View ProfileTouching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
Sexual battery
View ProfileForcible Sodomy with a Child/Any other offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
(2 counts) Indecent Acts with a Child/Any other offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
View ProfileAny other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
View Profile(3 COUNTS) ATTEMPTED CRIMINAL SEXUAL PENETRATION 1ST DEGREE/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
View ProfileTouching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
View ProfileExploitation of children
Exploitation of children
Exploitation of children
Exploitation of children
Exploitation of children
Exploitation of children
View ProfileSEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF A MINOR/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
RAPE OF A CHILD/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
View Profile