Our database shows there are 44 registered sex offenders within 2 miles of 10 Calma Dr, Laurel, MS 39443. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender within 2 miles of 10 Calma Dr, Laurel, MS 39443.
SIMPLE RAPE/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
Statutory rape;
Touching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
Sexual battery
Exploitation of children
FORCIBLE RAPE/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
(2 Counts) FONDLING
TRAFFICKING IN CHILD PORNOGRAPHY/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
Computer Aided Solicitation of a Minor/ Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction.
Transmission of information about a minor/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction, which would be consided one of the offenses in MCA 45-33-23(g) in Mississippi.
(2 COUNTS) CHILD MOLESTATION/ Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
2ND DEGREE SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
Second-Degree Sexual Assault of a Child
CARNAL KNOWLEDGE OF A JUVENILE/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
POSSESSION OF CHILD EXPLOITATION IMAGES/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
CHILD MOLESTATION/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
AGGRAVATED ORAL SEXUAL BATTERY/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
AGGRAVATED INCEST/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
Intentional Exposure to Aids Virus/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
SEXUAL ASSAULT/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had