Our database shows there are 17 registered sex offenders within 2 miles of 536 North Livingston Rd, Ridgeland, MS 39157. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender within 2 miles of 536 North Livingston Rd, Ridgeland, MS 39157.
SEXUAL ASSAULT-Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
View ProfileChild Molesting/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction, which would be considered one of the offenses in Section 45-33-23(g) in Mississippi
Child Molesting/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction, which would be considered one of the offenses in Section 45-33-23(g) in Mississippi
View ProfileRape 2nd Degree/Any other offense committed in another state for which registration is required in that state
View ProfileSexual Battery (victim is a child under the age of 14, when the offender is 24 or more months older than the child)
View ProfileAggravated Criminal Sexual Assault/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
View ProfilePossession of Child Pornography/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
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