Our database shows there are 7 registered sex offenders in Centreville, MS. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender in Centreville, MS.
Child Fondling
INCEST/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
FORCIBLE RAPE/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
Touching of a child or a mentally defective, incapacitated or physically helpless person for lustful purposes
CARNAL KNOWLEDGE OF A JUVENILE; INDECENT BEHAVIOR WITH JUVENILES/ ATTEMPTED INDECENT BEHAVIOR WITH JUVENILES; Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
CARNAL KNOWLEDGE OF A JUVENILE/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
ATTEMPT INDECENT BEHAVIOR WITH JUVENILES/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
PORNOGRAPHY INVOLVING JUVENILES/Any offense resulting in a conviction in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in the jurisdiction where the conviction was had
ATTEMPT TO COMMIT SEXUAL ASSAULT/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction