Our database shows there are 39 registered sexual or violent offenders in 59711. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender in 59711.
Sexual Assault
California Assault To Commit Rape, Sodomy, Or Oral Copulation
California Lewd And Lacivious Acts With A Child Under 14
Sexual Abuse Of Children
Illinois Illinous Predatory Criminal Sexual Assault
Iowa Sexual Abuse 2nd Degree
Iowa Assault W/ Intent To Commit Sex Abuse W/ Injury
Sexual Intercourse Without Consent
Oregon Sexual Abuse 1st Degree
Oregon Sexual Penetration With Foreign Object
North Carolina Indecent Liberties With Child
Indecent Exposure
California Lewd Or Lascivious Acts With A Child Under 14
SEXUAL ASSAULT/Any other offense committed in another jurisdiction for which registration is required in that jurisdiction
Federal Possession Of Child Pornography
Alabama Sex Assault-Abuse 1st Deg
Florida Attempted Sexual Battery By Adult/Victim Under 12
Washington Communicate W/Minor-Immoral Purp