Our database shows there are 26 registered sexual or violent offenders in Havre, MT. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender in Havre, MT.
Sexual Intercourse Without Consent
California Unlawful Sexual Intercourse W Minor:M0re Than 3 Yrs Younger
Federal Sexual Act With Person Under 12 Years
Federal Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse Of Children
California Rape With Force And Threat
Sexual Assault
Federal Abusive Sexual Contact
Oregon Rape 1st Degree
Oregon Sodomy 1st Degree
Washington Child Molestation 1
Florida Lewd/Lacivious Exhibit Using Computer
Texas Indecency With A Child
Attempted Sexual Intercourse Without Consent
California Sexual Penetratn Foreign Obj W/Force
California Lewd Or Lasciv Acts W/Child Under 14
Washington Child Molestation 3rd Degree
California Lewd Or Lascivious Acts With Child <14
California Sodomy Child <12
California Indecent Acts/Liberties With Child
California Indecent Language To Child <16
Wisconsin Fourth-Degree Sexual Assault
Oregon Sexual Abuse 1st Degree