Our database shows there are 81 registered sex offenders within 2 miles of 9683 Maple Dr, Omaha, NE 68134. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender within 2 miles of 9683 Maple Dr, Omaha, NE 68134.
Attempted 1st Degree Sexual Assault F3
1st Degree Sexual Assault F2
Child Abuse F3A
Assault with Intent to Commit Sex Abuse Aggravated Misdemeanor
Sex Abuse 3rd Degree Felony C
Attempted Sexual Assault of a Child F4
Attempted 3rd Degree Sexual Assault M2
Receipt & Distribution of Child Pornography Felony C
Sexual Assault of a Child 3rd Degree F3A
Attempted 1st Degree Sexual Assault F2A
3rd Degree Sexual Assault M1
Attempted 1st Degree Sexual Assault of a Child F2
Lewd or Lascivious Behavior/Conduct by Person 18YOA or Older 2nd Degree Felony
Sexual Assault of a Child F3A
Conspiracy to Commit Rape
Rape of an Aider & Abettor
Enticement by Electronic Communication Device F4
Sexual Assault of a Child F4
Assault with Intent to Commit Sexual Abuse Aggravated Misdemeanor
Debauching a Minor M1
Attempted Possession of Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F3A
Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse F2
Attempted 2nd Degree Sexual Assault F3A
Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse Victim <13
Possession of Child Pornography Felony
Assault and Battery (Sexual Assault - Touch) Misdemeanor
Gross Sexual Imposition <13 F3
Abusive Sexual Contact Felony
Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F3
Attempted Felonious Sexual Assault - Penetration Victim 13-15 Felony
Certain Uses of Computer Services Prohibited Felony
Assault with Intent to Commit Sexual Abuse
Receipt, Possession, Production or Distribution of Child Pornography Felony C
Lewd & Lascivious Conduct Felony
Receipt and Distribution of Child Pornography Felony C
Sexual Abuse of a Vulnerable Adult F3A
Criminal Child Enticement M1
Sexual Abuse 3rd Degree Felony C
Criminal Sexual Conduct 4th Degree Misd 2
Lascivious Acts with a Child Felony D
Lascivious Acts with a Child Class D Felony
Possession of Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F2A
Possession of Child Pornography Felony C
Attempted Sexual Assault of a Child 3rd Degree M1
Deviate Sexual Assault Felony C
Criminal Child Enticement F3A
Sexual Abuse of Children by Possession of Child Pornography F3
Aggravated Indecent Assault without Consent F2
Aggravated Indecent Assault victim <16 F2
Unlawful Contact with a Minor
Intimidate Witness/Victim F2
Indecent Assault victim <13 M1
Corruption of Minors M1
Indecent Assault without Consent M2
Indecent Assault victim <16 M2
Sexual Abuse 1st Degree Class B Felony
Sexual Penetration 2nd Degree Class B Felony
Indecent Assault Misdemeanor A
Criminal Sexual Conduct 1st Degree Felony