Our database shows there are 46 registered sex offenders within 2 miles of 4549 Prescott, Lincoln, NE 68506. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender within 2 miles of 4549 Prescott, Lincoln, NE 68506.
Possession of Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F4
Possession of Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F4
Possession of Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F4
Possession of Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F4
Possession of Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F4
View Profile1st Degree Sexual Assault F2
1st Degree Sexual Assault F2
1st Degree Sexual Assault F2
View ProfileSexual Assault of a Child F3A
Solicitation of a Minor F5
Solicitation of a Minor F5
View ProfileSexual Extortion - Engage in Sexual Conduct for Distribution 3rd Degree Felony
View ProfileEnticement by Electronic Communication Device F4
Enticement by Electronic Communication Device F4
Enticement by Electronic Communication Device F4
Possession of Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F3
Possession of Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F3
Possession of Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F3
Enticement by Electronic Communication Device F4
Enticement by Electronic Communication Device F4
Child Abuse F3A
Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F1D
View ProfileSexual Assault of a Child 3rd Degree F3A
Sexual Assault of a Child 3rd Degree F3A
View ProfileAttempted Disseminating Indecent Material to Minors in the 1st Degree Felony E
View ProfileAttempted 1st Degree Sexual Assault F3
Attempted Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F4
View Profile