Our database shows there are 43 registered sex offenders within 2 miles of 301 W 5th St, York, NE 68467. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender within 2 miles of 301 W 5th St, York, NE 68467.
Attempted 1st Degree Sexual Assault F2A
Debauching a Minor M1
Sexual Assault of a Child F5
Attempted 1st Degree Sexual Assault F3
Sexual Abuse of a Minor 2nd Degree Contact Felony
2nd Degree Sexual Assault of Child Felony C
Attempted Sexual Assault of a Child M1
Sexual Assault of a Child F3A
Attempted 2nd Degree Sexual Assault F3A
3rd Degree Sexual Assault M1
Sexual Assault of a Child 3rd Degree F3A
1st Degree Sexual Assault F2
Criminal Sexual Conduct 5th Degree Gross Misdemeanor
Sexual Assault of a Child F4
Possession of Child Pornography Felony C
Child Abuse F3A
Aggravated Indecent Liberties with a Child >14 F4
Sexual Assault use of Computer F3A
Attempted Enticement by Electronic Communication Device M1
Contributing to the Sexual Delinquency of a Minor Class A Misdemeanor
Possession of Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F3
Rape by Force/Fear Felony
Rape 2nd Degree Felony C
Attempted 1st Degree Sexual Assault of a Child F2
Annoy & Molest Child
Sexual Assault of a Child F3
Attempted Sexual Abuse of a Protected Individual 2nd Degree M1
Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F1D
Attempted Visual Depiction of Sexually Explicit Conduct F2
Unlawful Sexual Intercourse with person <18 Felony
Oral Copulation with Person <18 Felony