Our database shows there are 11 registered sex offenders in Elida Village, OH. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender in Elida Village, OH.
2907.04A - Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor Sexual Motivation
120b - Abusive Sexual Contact with a Child Sexual Motivation
2907-04A - Sexual Conduct with Minor Sexual Motivation
12-14 (B)(1) - Aggravated crim sexual assult/victim Sexual Motivation
2907.03 - Sexual Battery Sexual Motivation
750.520C1A - CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONDUCT - SECOND DEGREE (Person Under Thirteen) Sexual Motivation
750.520C1B - CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONDUCT - SECOND DEGREE (Relationship) Sexual Motivation
2950.06 - Failure to Verify Address
2907.05 - Gross Sexual Imposition Sexual Motivation
2923.02 - Attempt (attempted)Sexual Motivation
2907.31 - Disseminating Matter Harmful to Juveniles Sexual Motivation