Our database shows there are 129 registered sex offenders in Sanduskee, OH. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender in Sanduskee, OH.
800.04(5)(c)(2) - Lewd Lascivious molestation victim 12-15 years old, offender 18 or older Sexual Motivation
2907.321 - Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor
Corruption of a minor
2907.05(A)1 - Gross Sexual Imposition (attempted)Sexual Motivation
2923.02 - Attempt
794.011(4)(b) - Sexual Battery Victim Over 12 Years Of Age, Coerces Victim by Threatening Force or Violence
787.01(1)(a)(2) - Kidnapping to Commit or Facilitate any Felony
2907.05(A)4 - Gross Sexual Imposition victim Under 13
2907.05 - Gross Sexual Imposition Sexual Motivation
2907.03 - Sexual Battery Sexual Motivation
2911.12 - Burglary
2907.05(A)2 - Gross Sexual Imposition Sexual Motivation
2907.05(A)4 - Gross Sexual Imposition victim Under 13 Sexual Motivation
2907.05(A) - GROSS SEXUAL IMPOSITION VICTIM UNDER 13 (attempted)Sexual Motivation
2907.06 - Sexual Imposition Sexual Motivation
2907.04 - Sexual Conduct with Minor
2907.21 - Compelling Prostitution
2907.321 - Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor Sexual Motivation
2907.322 - Pandering Sexually Oriented Matter involving minor Sexual Motivation
2907.323 - Illegal Use of Minor in Nudity Oriented Material Sexual Motivation
00.00 - Probation Violation
14-27.3 - Second Degree Rape
2252(a)(2) - Receipt of Child Pornography (attempted)Sexual Motivation
2907.323(A3 - Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity Oriented Material or Performance Sexual Motivation
2903.11 - Felonious Assault
2907.05(A)5 - Gross Sexual Imposition
2907.05 - Gross Sexual Imposition
2907.04B - Corruption of a Minor (changed to Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor in 2000) Sexual Motivation
2907.06 - Sexual Imposition
2919.22(B)5 - Child Endangering
2907-04A - Sexual Conduct with Minor Sexual Motivation
2907.32 - Pandering Obscenity
SEX OFFENSE, OTHER STATE (Gross Sexual Imposition)
Risk or Injury to a minor involving contact with the intimate parts of someone under age 16
07/01/2006 INPORTUNING
07/01/2006 ATTEMPT
2907.07 - Importuning (attempted)Sexual Motivation
2907.32 - Pandering Obscenity Sexual Motivation
2907.08 - Attempted Voyeurism
2907.08 - Voyeurism
2907.04 - Unlawful sexual conduct w/a minor
2907.323(A1 - Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-Oriented Material or Performace Sexual Motivation
0001.00 - Federal Charges
0 - Non Sex Other Offense
2907.31 - Disseminating Matter Harmful to Juveniles
2907.04A - Corruption of a minor
2950.05 - Failure to provide change of address
2907.05(A)1 - Gross Sexual Imposition Sexual Motivation
2907.02 - Rape (attempted)Sexual Motivation
2907.02 - Rape Sexual Motivation
2907.04A - Corruption of a minor Sexual Motivation
2252(a)(2) - Receipt of Child Pornography
2907.07 - Importuning Sexual Motivation
2907.05 - Gross Sexual Imposition (attempted)Sexual Motivation
2907.07 - Importuning
2907.323(A3 - Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity Oriented Material or Performance
2907.04 - Unlawful sexual conduct w/a minor Sexual Motivation
18 USC 2252(a)(4)(b) and (b)(2) - Possession of Depictions of Minors Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct Sexual Motivation
Assault to Commit Rape/Any other offense committed in another state for which registration is required in that state
2907.05(A) - GROSS SEXUAL IMPOSITION VICTIM UNDER 13 Sexual Motivation
2907.03 - Sexual Battery
720 ILCS 11-9.1(a)(1) - Sexual Exploitation of a Child
18 USC 2252A(a)(2) - Receipt of Child Pornography Sexual Motivation
2907.02 - Attempt Rape Sexual Motivation
2907.05(A)1 - Gross Sexual Imposition
2907.12 - Felonious Sexual Penatration Sexual Motivation
827.071(5) - Possession of Child Pornography in Sexual Performance
2907 - Sex Offenses Sexual Motivation
2900 - Unknown
2907.04 - Sexual Conduct with Minor (attempted)
2950.05 - Failure to provide change of address (attempted)
14-202.3 - Solicitation of child by computer to commit an unlawful sex act
2907.322 - Pandering Sexually Oriented Matter involving minor
2907.323 - Illegal Use of Minor in Nudity Oriented Material
2907.02 - Attempt Rape (attempted)Sexual Motivation