Our database shows there are 14 registered offenders in 98597. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender in 98597.
Repeated Acts of Sexual Assault Against Same Child
Cause Child to View or Listen to Sexual Activity
Exposing a Child to Harmful Materials
9A.44.083 - Child molestation in the first degree
9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register
9A.64.020(2)(b) - Incest in the second degree
163.427 - Sexual abuse in the first degree
9A.44.073 - Rape of a child in the first degree
9A.44.086 - Child molestation in the second degree
9.68A.090 - Communication with minor for immoral purposes
9A.40.040 - Unlawful imprisonment
9A.44.076 - Rape of a child in the second degree
9A.88.010 - Indecent exposure
9A.44.130(11)(B) - Sex offender - non felony - fail to register
9A.28.020c - Attempted Rape 3 (attempted)
9A.44.089 - Child molestation in the third degree
9A.44.060 - Rape in the third degree