Our database shows there are 12 registered sex offenders in Newell Cdp, WV. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender in Newell Cdp, WV.
Use of Minors in Filming Sexually Explicit Conduct served approximately 2 years 3 months in a correctional facility given 20 years extended supervision.
Possession of Child Pornography served approximately 2 years in a correctional facility and 5 years probation. Victims were male and female minors strangers.
Attempted Sexual Abuse of a Child involving Indecent Communication in the State of Florida served approximately 1 year in a correctional facility.
Sexual Imposition in the state of Ohio served approximately 30 days in a correctional facility given 2 years supervised probation.
Possession of Materials Visually Depicting Minors Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct served approximately 1 year in a correctional facility given 10 years extended supervision.
2 Counts Unlawful Contact with Minor and 2 Counts Criminal Use of Communication Facility in the state of Pennsylvania served approximately 4 years 9 months in a correctional facility given 7 years probation. Court determined in the state of Pennsylvania to be a Sexually Violent Predator.
Sexual Imposition in the state of Ohio sentence suspended given 1 year probation.
2 Counts 3rd Degree Sexual Assault, 3 Counts Sexual Abuse by Parent, Guardian or Custodian, 3 Counts Incest and 2nd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 26 years 8 months in a correctional facility.
Use of an Interstate Communication to Entice a Minor to Engage in Illegal Sexual Activity in the state of Pennsylvania served approximately 2 years in a federal correctional facility and given 3 years probation.