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25247 Sex Offenders

Our database shows there are 2 registered sex offenders in 25247. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender in 25247.

  • John J Hall a registered Sex Offender of West Virginia

    John J Hall 240 Smith Street,
    Hartford, WV 25247


    3rd Degree Sexual Assault and 1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 8 years 10 months in a correctional facility given 25 years extended supervision. Victims were two minor female family friends between the ages 0-5 years and 13-17 years old.

    3rd Degree Sexual Assault and 1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 8 years 10 months in a correctional facility given 25 years extended supervision. Victims were two minor female family friends between the ages 0-5 years and 13-17 years old.

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