Our database shows there are 95 registered sex offenders in Mount Lookout, WV. View the photos, address, physical description and more details of each registered offender in Mount Lookout, WV.
Possession of Child Pornography served approximately 7 years and given lifetime extended supervision.
Attemp to Entice a Child to Engage in Sexual Activity served approximately 8 years 9 months in a correctional facility given lifetime supervision.
3rd Degree Sexual Assault sentence suspended given 5 years probation.
3 Counts 3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 7 years 6 months in correctional facility.
Distribution And Exhibiting Of Materials Depicting Minors Engaged In Sexually Explicit Conduct served approximately 1 year and 2 months in a correctional facility and given 30 years supervised release.
Rape 3rd: Victim Less Than 17 Years Old Perpetrator 21 Years Or More
2 Counts 3rd Degree Rape in the state of New York served approximately 5 months in a correctional facility.
Attempted 3rd Degree Sexual Assault given 40 years extended supervision. Victim was a female minor.
3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 7 months in a correctional facility and given 5 years probation.
3rd Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 47 days in a correctional facility.
View ?61-8B-9 in new website CHAPTER 61. CRIMES AND THEIR PUNISHMENT. ARTICLE 8B. SEXUAL OFFENSES. ?61-8B-9. Sexual abuse in the third degree. (a) A person is guilty of sexual abuse in the third degree when he subjects another person to sexual contact without the latter's consent, when such lack of consent is due to the victim's incapacity to consent by reason of being less than sixteen years old. (b) In any prosecution under this section it is a defense that: (1) The defendant was less than sixteen years
3rd Degree Sexual Assault sentence suspended given 4 years supervised probation and 10 years extended supervision.
1998 -3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 3 years in a correctional facility. Victim was a female acquaintance between 13-17 years of age. 2003- 3rd Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 90 days in a correctional facility. Victim was a male acquaintance between the ages of 13-17.
3rd Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 30 days on home confinement.
Transporting Material Involving the Sexual Exploitation of Minors in the state of Florida served approximately 7 years 2 months in a correctional facility given life on probation. Victims were minor female strangers.
Aggravated Sexual Battery and Indecent Liberties with Child by Custodian in the state of Virginia served approximately 1 year 8 months in a correctional facility given indefinite supervised probation.
Possession of Child Pornography sentenced to 30 months in a correctional facility and given 15 years probation. Victims were male and female minor strangers.
1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 1 year in a correctional facility given 20 years extended supervision.
2 Counts 1st Degree Sexual abuse served approximately 3 years 6 months in a correctional facility given 25 years extended supervision.
3 Counts Attempted 1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 4 years 6 months in a correctional facility.
Attempted Lewd or Lascivious Acts with a Child Under 14 in the state of California sentence suspended and given 3 years probation.
3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 4 years 6 months in a correctional facility.
Distribution and Display to a Minor of Obscene Matter served approximately 1 year and 1 month in a correctional facility.
Distribution and Exhibiting of Material Depicting Minors Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct served approximately 1 year in a correctional facility given 2 years supervised probation. Victims were male & female minor strangers.
Prohibiting Child Erotica sentence suspended give 2 years probation.
(a) Any person age eighteen or over who knowingly and intentionally produces, possesses, displays or distributes, in any form, any visual portrayals of minors who are partially clothed, where the visual portrayals are: (1) Unrelated to the sale of a commercially available legal product; and (2) used for purely prurient purposes, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in jail for not more than one year or fined not more than $1,000, or both confined and fined. Terms Used
Soliciting, ETC. A Minor VIA Computer served approximately 2 years in a correctional facility.
Forcible Sodomy and 2 Counts Posession of Child Pornography in the state of Virginia served approximately 4 years 7 months in a correctional facility given indefinite probation. Victims were a male family member in between the ages of 6-12 and male and female minor strangers.
Incest served approximately 5 years and 3 months in a correctional facility given 20 years extended supervision.
2 Counts 3rd Degree Sexual Abuse Accessory Before the Fact served approximately 5 months in a correctional facility. Also known as Evelyn Rose Tompkins.
3 Counts 1st Degree Sexual Abuse in the state of Kentucky served approximately 5 years in a correctional facility.
Taking Indecent Liberties With Children in the state of North Carolina served approximately 76 days in a correctional facility and given 3 years supervision.
2 counts Third Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 48 days in a correctional facility. Victims were two female family members between the ages 0-5 and 6-12.
3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 2 years 2 months in a correctional facility and given 50 years extended supervision.
Distribution of Material of Minors in Sexually Explicit Conduct given 5 years supervised probation and 10 years extended supervision. Victims were male and female minor strangers.
2nd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 12 years 5 months in a correctional facility given probation.
3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 1 year 5 months in a correctional facility.
Incest served approximately 9 years 8 months in a correctional facility given 40 years extended supervision.
Possession of Child Pornography
1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 9 years 1 month in a correctional facility.
3rd Degree Sexual Abuse and 2 Counts 3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 2 years in a correctional facility and placed on 10 months probation.
Use of Obscene Matter with Intent to Seduce Minor served approximately 2 years 6 months in a correctional facility.
Third Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 30 days in a correctional facility given 2 years unsupervised probation.
2nd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 10 years 7 months in a correctional facility given 6 months probation.
Attempted 1st Degree Sex Offense, Sex Offense-Parental Role, Crime Against Nature, and 4 Counts Indecent Liberties with Child in the state of North Carolina served approximately 9 years, 4 months, and 1 week in a correctional facility and given 2 years probation.
Sexual Misconduct with a Minor in the state of Indiana served approximately four years in a correctional facility.
3rd Degree Sexual Abuse sentenced to 90 days in a correctional facility.
3rd Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 1 year 7 months in a correctional facility given 40 years extended supervision.
3 Counts 3rd Degree Sexual Assault served 67 days in a correctional facility given 5 years probation and 25 years extended supervision.
3 Counts Incest and 3 Counts Sexual Abuse by Parent, Guardian, or Custodian served approximately 25 years 1 month in a correctional facility.
2 Counts Indecent Liberties with a Child in the state of North Carolina served approximately 4 months in a correctional facility and given 5 years probation. Victims were two minor female family members.
Attempted 1st Degree Sexual Assault and 1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 6 years in a correctional facility and given 30 years extended supervision.
Incest served approximately 5 years in a correctional facility. Also known as Linda Smith.
3 Counts Accessory to 3rd Degree Sexual Assault sentence suspended given 5 years probation.
Indecent Liberties with a Child in the state of North Carolina served approximately 1 year 6 months in a correctional facility and given 2 years probation.
Second Dregree Rape in the state of Mayland served approximately 475 days in a correctional facility.
3rd Degree Sexual Assault sentence suspended given 4 years probation.
1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 2 years 6 months in a correctional facility and given 10 years extended supervision.
Soliciting a Minor Via Computer served approximately 2 years 1 month in a correctional facility.
3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 2 1/2 years in a correctional facility.
2006- Sexual Abuse by Parent, Guardian, or Custodian. 2008- 1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 12 years 6 months in a correctional facility. Victims were two minor female family members between the ages of 6-12 and 13-17.
2005- 3rd Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 90 days in a correctional facility. Victim was female minor relationship unknown. 2009- 2 Counts 3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 15 months in a correctional facility and given 2 years probation. Victims were two female acquaintances between 13-17 years of age.
2 Counts 1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 5 years in a correctional facility. Victims were 2 female minors.
1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 1 year and 7 months in a correctional facility.
2 counts 1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 1 year 6 months in a correctional facility given 20 years probation.
3rd Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 82 days in a correctional facility.
1st Degree Sexual Assault sentenced to 10 to 20 years in a correctional facility.
3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 565 days in a correctional facility and given 3 years probation.
1st Degree Sexual Assault and Abduction served approximately 17 years 7 months and given 5 years supervised probation.
3rd Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 30 days in a correctional facility given 1 year probation.
3rd Degree Sexual Abuse sentence suspended given 1 year probation.
Distribution and Display To A Minor of Obscene Matter With Intent to Seduce (Sexually Motivated) served approximately 2 1/2 years in a correctional facility.
1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 2 years and 6 months in a correctional facility given 25 years extended supervision.
Criminal Sexual Abuse in the state of Illinois served approximately 18 days in a correctional facility and given approximately 1 year probation.
1st Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 2 years 6 months in a correctional facility given 5 years probation.
3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 1 year 8 months in a correctional facility and given 50 years extended supervision.
Gross Sexual Misconduct in the state of Maine served approximately 30 days in a correctional facility and given 2 years probation.
Prohibiting Child Erotica sentence suspended given 1 year probation.
3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 30 days in a correctional facility and given 5 years of supervised probation.
3rd Degree Sexual Abuse served approximately 1 month in a correctional facility and given 100 hours community service.